Black Sword

Masaki Sato
"Program Pochette" July 1985 Issue
Program length:
8 screens


Modify the line #50 as below. (This information was provided in the Sep. 1986 issue.)
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows. (Use version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team.)
Sorry if there are any typos, however,
I have tested my data and had no problems.
For modern emulator users:
It may be hard to control your main character.
Either redefine Joystick's D-pad to any keys other than directional keys, or delete one of "STICK(0)+STICK(1)".
"STICK(0)+STICK(1)" is in the line #270.

Matilda Baby

Keisuke Kuwata
"Program Pochette" Mar. 1985 Issue
Program length:
11 screens
1: The level editor.,   2: Start the game.,   3: Save your level(s) data.


Issue: Hiragana word corrupts. Modify the line 1210 as below.
For disk users:
This game is originally for tape because you cannot save or load your level(s) data that uses E453H~ of RAM.
It is not impossible to create original / new levels with the level editor each time, but it is recommended to offset the map data by -3000H.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows. (Use version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team.)
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I tested the above modified data, and had no problems.
After run the program, press left (either arrow key or D-pad) to start the game without loading the level(s) data.
If you want to load the level(s) data, press right (either arrow key or D-pad).
Essentially, you must first create and save each level using the level editor when you load the program for the first time.

The level editor:

After you enter 1 at the title screen, you will be asked which level you want to edit, enter 0.
The program will stop once the level editor screen appears.
Move the cursor with the cursor keys and make the brick wall disappear with the space key.
You use the hiragana "み" key (CHR$(240)) to make the brick wall appear. Never press the backspace key, please.
Make sure that you've create at least 10 spaces (1 space = 16px*16px) per 1 level.
Finally, move the cursor to the top of the screen, erase the "Break in 1360" message, then type the following and press Return key.

You will be asked "SCREEN NO.?". Enter a number other than 0 (1 if this is your first time) and press Return key twice. You can return to the title screen.
Press 3 to save your level(s) data. You will be asked "SAVE LAST NO.?". Enter a number that you've create for the final level.
(If you've already create 3 levels, enter 3. The data of Level 1 to Level 3 will be saved.)
There are 3 original levels the author had create. Don't worry, just download this file and copy it to the same diskette.
Of course you can create your own levels after Level 3.

The game:

Control the yellow character and push the light blue character to one of the four corners of the screen.
If one of the four corners is correct, you will advance to the next level, otherwise the light blue character will simply teleport.
Blue brick blocks, axes and bombs can be pushed.
The axe can destroy everything except the enemy and the outer frame blocks.
If you press a bomb against a brick block, it will explode after a certain period of time,
destroying the brick block or stopping the enemy's movement for a certain period of time.
Be careful not to kill the light blue character with axes or bombs.
Enemies have different characteristics depending on their color, such as movement speed and invisibility.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #170. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, it would be better if you modify the code as below.
Now you can support joystick except for the level editor.

Space Fighter

Pekin Genjin
"Program Pochette" July 1985 Issue
Return key: Start / restart the game.


Particular attention should be paid when typing the line #310.
Each checksum is as follows. (Use version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team.)
screen-space-fighter Sorry if there are any typos, however, I tested my data and had no problems.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #140. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #140, #330, #430 and #520, however, nothing happens even if you simply replace each "0" with "1".
Instead, modify following lines.
Now you can also use Trigger 1 instead of Return key.

For Amiga CD32+FDD users and SNES+AD adapter users:

"On Sprite Gosub" doesn't work with either AmiMSX, fMSX or MSXAdvance.
It means that nothing happens even though you collides with an enemy.
The only way to solve that issue is to delete that "On Sprite Gosub" and define collision detection by specifying coordinates instead.
To do so, modify the line #290 as below.
Furthermore, AmiMSX can't enlarge sprites. Modify the code as below for the original looks.

The Ball

(MSX port by) Debu
"Program Pochette" July 1985 Issue
Program length:
7 screens


Issue: You can complete the level after you had only two balls headed for the goal(s). Until then, no scores are added at all.
Modify the line #830 as below.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows. (Use version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team.)
balldebu-screen Sorry if there are any typos, however, I tested the above modified data, and had no problems.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #650.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the line #570.
The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".

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