Ball Game

H. Oka
"Mycom Basic Magazine" July 1991 Issue
MSX2 (Screen5)
H key and L key: Change the difficulty at the title screen.
Arrow Keys: Swap 2 tiles.

*This game is currently excluded from my recommended games list.
It's because an uncertainty factor caused by automatically created maps sometimes makes the game impossible to complete.
If you are really interested in "Locomotion" like games, go ahead.


Particular attention should be paid when typing lines below.
The code is long enough for 5 screens. (1 screen = 40 characters x 24 rows.)
Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.

Joystick support:

After modified the lines #200 ~ #220, you can use D-pad instead of arrow keys during the game.
After modified the line #420, you can use D-pad instead of H or L keys at the title sceen.
In addition, it recommends you to modify the line #420.

For Amiga CD32 + FDD users:

When using AmiMSX, gridlines override black lines, splitting that black lines and preventing the red ball for advancing.
To hide that gridlines, modify the line #140 as below.
In addition, 020 users also have to modify the line #290 because the game hangs up easily if CPU is 020.
It would also be recommended to change the value of "T1" in the line #420 to a larger value.

Diamond Field

S. Ogawa
"Micom" Oct. 1984 Issue

*This game is excluded from my recommended games list due to the following reason.
While this game is great for a 1984 release, the printed code is difficult to read.
The font itself in the printout is poor and faded and gone in places.


The code is long enough for 15 screens. (1 screen = 40 characters x 24 rows.)
Particular attention should be paid when typing lines below.
In addition, it would be better if you modify the following lines.
The line #1050: The original message was "You are Hi-Score!!".
The line #1300: The author asks you to use CHR$(176), however, that suggestion was worse.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.
This game is originally for tape. This is because part of the program's area of use overlaps with the 1st disk's work area after run the program.
Don't be going to save the program file itself again after run it.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #630.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the line #1130.
The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".

Lead the Dot

"MSX•FAN" Feb. 1992 Issue
MSX2 (Screen5)
"1"~"3" keys: Change the difficulty.
Space: Swap 2 tiles.

*This game is excluded from my recommended games list.
It's because this one is very similar to "Ball Game" that was released last year, and has no special features.
If you are really interested in "Locomotion" like games, go ahead.


The code is long enough for 3 screens. (1 screen = 40 characters x 24 rows.)
Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #60.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #70, #80 and #160. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the following lines.
D-pad left/right and Trigger 1: Change the difficulty.

For Amiga CD32 + FDD users:

AmiMSX can't draw tiles correctly because it can't "PAINT" in the screen5 mode.
Try another emulator or real machine. After load the code, type the following, first.
"LEAD-DOT.BIN" (the correct tiles data) will be created on the same diskette.
Don't save that modified code yet! Load the code again and modify it as below. (Now you can use AmiMSX.)

Lost Station

Kazutsu Soft
"Micom Basic Magazine" June 1989 Issue
Hold Space key: Increase the train's speed.
Back Space key: Undo. (You can't undo after you yourself turned.)
F1 key: Restart the current level.
1~9 keys: Change the game speed.
Return key: Enter the password screen from the title screen. You must also press it after you enter 3 characters.
A~Z keys: Enter a password (3 characters) at the password screen.


Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #170 and #570.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the line #280.
The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, you can "undo" by Trigger 2 instead of Back Space key after modified the line #150.
You can also modify the line #1190 to start the game from the title screen by Trigger 1 instead of a key,
For MSXAdvance (on SNES+AD Adapter) users:
Sorry, you have to define following keys for L, R, Start and Select when you want.
F1 key, 1~9 keys, A~Z keys and Return key

Rail Roader

Game Arts
"MSX Magazine" Oct. 1985 Issue

*While "Lost Station" was a fusion of "Locomotion" and "Sokoban" elements,
this game is a pure "Locomotion" game.


Type "SCREEN0:WIDTH48" in advance.   Particular attention should be paid when typing lines below.
Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.

The Point Changer

Yasushi T.
"MSX•FAN" July 1991 Issue

*This game is currently excluded from my recommended games list.
It's because the trains can cross each other without colliding.
If you are really interested in "Locomotion" like games, go ahead.
The code is long enough for 4 screens. (1 screen = 40 characters x 24 rows.)
For each checksum, please refer to the magazine's page.

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