Break! Kids♥️

T. Imazato
"Mycom Basic Magazine" Apr. 1990 Issue

The game:

The original version was released for X1 ("Micom Basic Magazine" Oct. 1986 Issue) by Masayuki A.
All you have to do is collect all items and go to the "EXIT" point.


If you use blueMSX or older emulators, "On Sprite Gosub" doesn't work. (Nothing happens if you touch each item.)
Delete "On Sprite Gosub" and define collision detection by specifying coordinates instead.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
bkids-screens Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data and had no problems.

For Amiga CD32 + FDD users:

The game will be very sluggish and its BGM / sounds will corrupt and that issue will stop the game for while if CPU is 020.
Furthermore, the title screen looks bad because PAINT doesn't work on SCRREN 5 mode with AmiMSX.
Try another emulator or real machine. After loading the program, modify it as below without saving it, then RUN.
The correct title screen data will be created on the same diskette.
Load the code again and modify it as below. (Now you can use AmiMSX.)
Still, sometimes it feels as if the game hangs up before each level starts. Just wait untile the game works again!

Nekosan To Nezumikun

"Mycom Basic Magazine" Apr. 1990 Issue
Japanese title name:
Space: Select a mouse. / Restart the current level after the game is over.,   Return: Restart from the 1st level after the game is over.

The game:

All cats must be caged. However, only one mouse can be controlled at any given time.
Each mouse can only move forward in the direction it is facing,
but will turn 90 degrees to the left if it collides with a wall or another mouse, or if it pushes the cage once.
You will fail if it collides with a cat or its turd.


It strongly recommends to modify the following lines.
The line #530: [Issue 1] When selecting a mouse, the next mouse would be selected more and more if you held down SPACE key even for a short time.
The line #720, #860, #1000 and #1140: [Issue 2] When you collided with the cat, nothing happened.
The line #1330: [Issue 3] The ending scene overlapped with the game screen.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

Joystick Support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #540.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #530 and #1430. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, it would be better if you modify the lines as below.
Trigger 1: Restart the current level after the game is over.,   Trigger 2: Give up the current level. / Restart from the 1st level after the game is over.

My suggestions for the game screen:

Download this "NEKOSIDE.BIN" and copy it to the same diskette. Then modify the following lines.
Type the following before run this modificated version for the first time.

For Amiga CD32 + FDD users:

Unfortunately, the game will stop due to its BGM if CPU is 020.
Modify the line #500 as below. The game won't stop anymore!
500 IF PLAY(0)=0 THEN DEFUSR=&H90:A=USR(0):GOSUB 1510

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