Crystal Stone

Mr. Nemoto
"MSX/MSX2 Program Daizensyu II" (プログラム大全集II)
F1: Restart the current level.,   F1 holding Space: Go to the next level.

The game:

This is a group of planets in the far reaches of the universe where all living creatures are squares.
Your group was currently in financial difficulties. You heard that another group was financially rich.
You thought you could get a lot of money by stealing scandalous photos of that group's boss and blackmailing him.

When you press Space, a red square and a blue square appear and move from the yellow starting point.
When the red square is directly above the goal point, press Space to complete the level.
The red and blue squares turn into grey blocks at the point where you press Space. However, they cannot turn into grey blocks on the mirror tiles.
A green square appearing from the upper right corner of the screen can destroy those grey blocks.
Each item can be taken by pressing Space when the red or blue square is directly above it.
After taking a red potion, the green square will destroy white blocks as well.
After taking a blue crystal, the red or blue square can also turn into a grey block on a mirror tile.


Modify the code as below.
The line #520 & #550: There are typos. Correct them.
The line #740: [FATAL issue] The original variable was "T1", however, the green square didn't appear at all.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
msx2puzzle-screen-crystal-stone Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

My suggestions for English version:

Modify following lines.
Fully tested!

Joystick support:

"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #80, #120, #210, #480, #490, #510, #650, #860 and #950. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the lines as below.
Trigger 2: Restart the current level.,   Trigger 2 holding D-pad up: Go to the next level.

For Amiga CD32+FDD users:

The game will be very sluggish. So it recommends to modify the line 120.
Simply replace "700" with "100".

Niji no Yosei

Hideki Kusunoki
"MSX/MSX2 Program Daizensyu II" (プログラム大全集II)
Japanese title name:
"虹の妖精" ("Fairy of Rainbow" in English.)
1: Show the opening story.,   2: Start the game directly.

The game:

The time is the future. Rainbows began to appear in the night sky and, conversely, the stars became darker.
God feared that if this continued, the world would become a world of darkness, so he commanded the angels to save the stars.

Once you have taken the rainbow pressing Space, press Space on a star, then press Space on another star.
If the combination of the two stars is correct, a line will be connected; if not, nothing will happen.
Each level will be completed when a predetermined number of lines can be drawn.
Note that there is a limited number of rainbows and that there is an enemy that will kill you instantly if you touch it.
To avoid pressing Space twice on the same star, hold down an arrow key and Space to pass over the star.


Correct the author's typo.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
msx2puzzle-screen-niji Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

My suggestions for English version:

Modify following lines.
Fully tested!

Joystick support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the line #860. "STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #360 and #710. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the code as below.
Trigger 1: Start the game directly.,   Trigger 2: Show the opening story.

For Amiga CD32+FDD users:

Unfortunately, the game will crash when you complete the current level if CPU is 020.
To avoid that crash, modify the line #830 as below:
830 REM

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