Dr. Jekyll

Game Spirit Inc. (T. Shirai)
"Micom" May 1988 Issue
Japanese title name:
"ドクター ジキル",  a.k.a."ジキル博士"

The game:

That famous Dr. Jekyll was researching the creation of the world's most powerful robot with ambitions of world domination.
Meanwhile, the industrialized nations, quick to recognize Dr. Jekyll's ambitions,
lobbied the United Nations and sent their best spies to his laboratory to thwart his plans.
However, none of them survived.
So instead, an artificially intelligent robot named "Tomscare" was sent to Dr. Jekyll's laboratory.
You must remotely control Tomscare and kill Dr. Jekyll who hides somewhere in the laboratory.


Issue 1:
Two numbers in the line #5490 mess up,
and it makes a part of the sprite glitchy when the main character faces to the left.
However, you shall be able to guess the numbers that go into that place by looking at the surrounding numbers.
Issue 2:
While the main character moves north, it doesn't animate.
This is because the sprites for walking (the lines #5430 and #5530) are the same as the sprites for stopping (#5420 and #5520).
It strongly recommends to create sprites for walking by modifying #5430 and #5530.
There is author's typo in the line #1890, so it recommends to fix it.

If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).

Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

My suggestions for English version:

First, modify following lines. (Sorry I ignored REM strings.)

Then type following line.

If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).

Fully tested.

For Modern emulator users:

It may be hard to control your main character called "Tomscare" if you use "blueMSX" or "yayaMSX" series.
Either redefine Joystick's D-pad to any keys other than directional keys, or modify the line #2150.

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