F1: Eat food. F2: Save the game. Space: To pass the title screen.
"Y" and Enter keys: Need to press when you load / save the game.
Arrow "up": Take the item that is just above your head.
The original Japanese version:
It recommends to modify following lines.
The original line #760 was "760 GOTO 760".
The author says that the reason why you can't replay the game is because the map has been rewritten directly.
However, looping at the line #760 means that you can't go back to the title screen from the game over screen,
so you had to press Ctrl and F7 every time the game is over.
The lines #820 & #830 contain the file name of the data to be saved.
Original file name was "DARK", but we believe that an extension is necessary.
"CAVE" string should be also included, not only "DARK.DAT". I'm
assuming that we're managing a huge amount of MSX games' files.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows(using version
3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the
ending, and had no problems.
My suggestions for English version:
Modify the lines as below.
Joystick support:
The game originally supports joystick, but it would be better if you modify following lines. "870 ELSE 850" is in the line #850.
Now you don't have to press Space, F1, "Y" and Enter keys any more.
020 CD32 users don't have to add the line 295 because it will become
more sluggish by adding "IF" statements to the main routine.
Of course, it is possible to modify the code to use Trigger 2 instead of
F2 key, but it will be more sluggish by adding "IF" statements to the
main routine.
You cannot save the game if you play the game with MSXAdvance, so details are omitted.
By the modifications described so far, each checksum changes as follows
(using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team). Fully tested.
• There are round green containers that contain items, but there are also "fake" containers with nothing in them.
• In order to visualize and defeat the final boss, you must obtain certain items and become at least level 10.
For modern emulator users:
If you have a trouble when controlling the main character (you'll get "Subscript out of range in 240" error),
temporarily disable the joystick setting.