"1" key: Yes. "2" key: No. Space: Enter each
house / castle / room. Esc: Restart the game.
Particular attention should be paid when typing lines below.
• The line #310 and #1330 contain CHR$(176), not CHR$(45).
• The line #1260 and #1280 contain CHR$(180), not CHR$(170).
There is a fatal bug in the game: if you choose "1" at the shoe store with
no gold, you can increase your jumping ability for free.
If you repeat this process, you will be able to increase your jumping
ability to the maximum.
To avoid this issue, modify the line #540 as below.
For each checksum, please refer to the magazine's page (using version 1.1 coded by the
"MSX•FAN" team).
The new checksum of the line #540 is "235". Fully tested and had no
My suggestions for English version:
Modify following lines.
Joystick support:
"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #280 and #890.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #380 and #900. The quickest way is to
simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, it recommends to modify the lines as below.
Now you can use Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 instead of "1", "2" and Esc keys. English
& Joystick version! Fully tested.
By the modifications described so far, each checksum changes as follows
(using version1.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Female World
Hiroyuki Wada
"MSX•FAN" Feb.
1988 Issue
Arrow "down" while the enemy disappears: Raise your power instead of HP.
Space and then arrow "left" or "right": Use a key to destroy the
wall. Esc: Save the game.
Return: To proceed when you save / load the game.
For each checksum, please refer to the magazine's page (using version 1.0 coded by the
"MSX•FAN" team).
For unknown reason, in my data, the checksum of the line #120 is "134" (not
Sorry if there are any typos in the line #120, however, I have tested my
data, including the
ending, and had no problems.
My suggestions for English version:
Modify following lines. (Sorry I ignored REM strings.)
Fully tested.
• There are many places where you can go farther by pressing the diagonal
direction of the D-pad without using key(s).
• You need to talk to all the fairies. The next fairy will not always appear
on the right side.
Joystick support:
"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #680, #740 and #1080.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #680, #880, #890 and #1050. The
quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, it recommends to modify the lines as below.
Now you can use Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 instead of Space and Return keys. If
you want to cancel after press Trigger 2, press Trigger 1.
By the modifications described so far, each checksum changes as follows
(using version1.0 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).