It recommends to modify following lines.
Original files were "SPV-BIN", "SPM-BIN" and "SPM-BAS", however, we believe
that an extension is necessary.
I'm assuming that we're managing a huge amount of MSX games' files.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as
follows (using version
3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the
ending, and had no problems.
This game is originally recommended primarily for tape users.
Modern emulator users must press CTRL key during power on, otherwise you
will get "File already open in 250" error.
AmiMSX users (24990 Bytes left) don't have to mind.
The 2nd file named "SPV.BIN":
Use "Monitoring
RAM" program that "MSX Magazine" team coded.
...After you entered all data, don't forget to compare each checksum with
that in the magazine.(Type "DC000".)
Save the file typing following: BSAVE"SPV.BIN",&HC000,&HC36F
The 3rd file named "SPM.BIN":
The author says you must type "MAXFILES=0"
in advance because it seems that part of the program's area of use overlaps
with the disk's work area.
Modern emulator users must press CTRL key during power on. (AmiMSX users
(24990 Bytes left) don't have to mind.)
Use "Monitoring
RAM" program that "MSX Magazine" team coded.
...After you entered all data, don't forget to compare each checksum with
that in the magazine.(Type "DA8F0".)
Save the file typing following: BSAVE"SPM.BIN",&HA8F0,&HE35F
If you are worried, try using "DumpWithRTCS".
The header is "FE F0 A8 5F E3 F0 A8".
The 4th file named "SPM.BAS":
Particular attention should be paid when typing the line #960.
Each checksum is as follows. (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN"
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the
ending, and had no problems.
For SNES+AD Adapter users:
MSXAdvance fails to load the game because part of the program's area
of use overlaps with the disk's work area.
You must do the same method as "Vilzam".
First, split the 3rd file "SPM.BIN" into 2 files.
One named "SPM1.BIN" is from A8F0h to E2A7h, and the other named "SPM2.BIN"
is from E2A8h to E35Fh.
Don't forget to hold CTRL key while turning on blueMSX. Type: MAXFILES=0
Then, modify some lines as below.
The 1st file:
The 4th file:
Add the name of the 1st file to the