Donkey Command

Original game design by:
Aru Siddhārtha
("TACTICS" #3: May 1982 Issue)
Original N-Basic code by:
System House Tsukasa, Mr.Miyoshi & Kazuya Orui
MSX port by:
Akira M. & "LOG iN" team
"LOG iN" Nov. 1983 Issue
Japanese title name:
"シークレット・コマンダー/ 絶体絶命"
0~9 keys and Return: Enter number of weapon(s).
Arrow up / down: Select direction to walk. / Select your next command.
Space: Walk to the direction you've selected. / Execute the command you've selected.

The game:

The player himself plays the role of Secret Commander.
Your goal is to infiltrate an enemy base and complete various missions such as blowing up a specific room, stealing confidential documents and important items, and then move on to the next floor.
It may be increased each ability for every 10 more enemies killed.
In addition, the appearance of the game screen also gives the first impression of a "2D dungeon crawler," a category of role-playing games.
There is also "exploration element," which is indispensable to be called a "2D dungeon crawler".
This is because the map is randomly generated once and never changes.
The mapping does make sense and it can be called a role-playing game, I think.


For disk users: When you type this program, don't forget to hold CTRL key while turn on your MSX.
Otherwise, you will get an "Out of memory" error when save the program.
The original code contains several typos that causes fatal issues. Modify the lines as below.
The line #10: For disk users, it's a must. Otherwise, you will get an "Out of memory" soon after run the program. This game was originally for tape only.
   It also needs this POKE statement to avoid the issue that disables your replay after the game is over.
The line #60: The original one was "B0", not "BO". It caused several issues.
The line #1020: The original ones were "330" that was not exist. Of course it causes an "Undefined line number" error.
The line #1332: The "or[NO]" part that protruded, is displayed on the upper right of the screen and overlaps with the map.
The line #1420: As soon as you picked up your weapon, it should be reflected in your status.
The line #1470: As soon as you loaded your weapon, it should be reflected in your status.
The lines #2090, #3170, #3430, #3641 and #4070: Just typos. Correct them.
The line #2880: When updating your weapon's status, the rightmost characters were still left.
The line #3355: The original one was "O", not "0". It caused a fatal issue when you want to choose a weapon that you grab.
The lines #4060, #4100, #4120 and #4130: The original code used characters that are not exist for MSX.
The line #4130: Fixed a bug that a voicing mark of "ベ" disappears. By the way, "ベ" means the initial letter of "(waist) Belt".
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
donkey-screen Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, and had no problems.
For disk users, don't forget to hold CTRL key while turn on your MSX. Otherwise, you can't even load the program.

Joystick Support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #7025, #7135 and #7215.
"STRIG(0)" is also found in the lines #7025, #7135 and #7215. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the lines as below.
Now you can use joystick in most scenes. (You still have to press 0~9 and Return keys at the weapons screen, though.)


Original code by:
Naoki Nisikawa
MSX port by:
Naoki Nisikawa & Hiroshi Ikuta
"Bessatsu LOG iN 1: MSX Game Book"
0~9: Choose the number.,   y: Yes.,   n: No.   Space: Show the menu.,   b: Buy items (at the starting point),
c: Exchange an item.,   r: Show your status.,   s: Save the game.

The game:

This is medieval Europe.
The Kingdom of Lute, which had prospered for 500 years, was in decline due to famine, plague, and pressure from neighboring countries.
The kingdom's financial difficulties further accelerated this trend.
The king took a bizarre measure to ensure the continuity of the country.
About 200 years ago, the tyrant Nisu, who had amassed his wealth through a series of killings and riots, had a labyrinth built in the earth to show off his power.
According to legend, he hid a huge treasure in the labyrinth.
The truth of the legend is unknown, but the king, clutching at straws, chose six brave men and sent them into the labyrinth to obtain the treasure.

For disk users (MSX2 or higher):

This game is originally for tape only. This is because part of the program's area of use overlaps with the 1st disk's work area.
In addition, this game could save /load your characters' parameters originally.
Just before saving / loading, it is necessary to restore the 1st disk's work area once it has been destroyed.

The 1st file named "LABY.BAS":

The original code contains some typos. Modify the lines as below.
(Green colored parts are based on information provided by "Enri".  Purple colored part are based on information provided by "Parupu". Thanks!)
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

The 2nd file named "LABY.BIN":

You cannot even save/load the games' memory dump file on Disk Basic.
First, enter all data using a binary editor on Windows to create one. In such cases, we Japanese usually use freeware called "DumpWithRTCS".
Choose "Tool(T)">"Address Offset(A)...". Enter "E700". Then enter all hexadecimal numbers to F37FH.
Make sure that each checksum matches the checksum listed in the magazine.
Finally, add the header "FE 00 E7 7F F3 00 E7" to complete.

The 3rd file named "LABYSAVE.BAS":

Type following.
Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

The 4th file named "LABYLOAD.BAS":

Type following.
The lines #140~160: [E2A0H~E2C1H] Restore the disks' work area to save the game.
The lines #170~190: [E2C2H~E2E2H] Copy the disks' work area to the RAM disk.
The line #200: [E2E3H~E2EFH] Transfer "LABY.BIN" to the original place (E700H~) from VRAM (2040H~).
Each checksum is as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
labyrinth-4th-file-checksum I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.
labyrinth-screen Run this 4th file, the game will be loaded automatically.
How to quickload after quicksaved the game:
Stop the game by pressing CTRL + STOP keys, then type RUN2

For modern emulator users:
It recommends to select general "MSX2+" mode. Don't have to press CTRL key when you turn on the emulator.
For Amiga CD32 users:
Unfortunately, the game won't be loaded if your CPU is 020.
For real MSX2 (or higher) users:
Please back up your files in advance. If the saving does not work, change each address below.
The 1st file (LABY.BAS): The line 2440 ("E2A0" and "E2A0").
The 4th file (LABYLOAD.BAS): The line 110 ("E2A0" and "E2AF"), the line #120 ("E2C2"), and "the line #130 ("E2A0").
In particular, make sure that the game program does not kill the machine language area that restores the disks' work area (that was E2A0H~E2C1H in my version) after the game starts.

Joystick Support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #2780 and #2790. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
At least you can use D-pad to move. (Not recommended, though...)

For SNES+AD adapter users:

MSXAdvance can't save the game. So, a simpler modification method as shown by "Parupu" is sufficient.
However, I think it will be nearly impossible to complete if this game is unsaveable.
It's because the next enemy type won't be different unless you reboot your MSX and load the game.
People who mistakenly think that they can get by with a state saving on modern emulators should also keep this in mind.



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