Sukeban Deka: Kessen! Asyuraso

"MSX/MSX2 Program Daizensyu II" (プログラム大全集II)
Japanese title name:
"スケバン刑事: 決戦! 阿修羅僧"
("Sukeba Deka: Challenging Asura monk" in English.)
1~3: Select.,   Space: Ok.,   Return: EXP screen.

The game:

Sukeban Deka means "Delinquent Girl Detective".
The girls, who had been relieved of their duties, lived happily ever after, but soon the people of the school began to be attacked by the Asura monk's minions.
The girls decide to fight again.


Modify the line #1360 as below, otherwise the end of the previous message remains.
Only the line #1970 uses CHR$(176). CHR$(176) is used for the head of Yui-chan.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

My suggestions for English version:

Modify the code as below.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
sukeban-en-screen Fully tested.

Joystick Support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #190 and #1240.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the line #1240. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the following lines.

Vampire Buster

Eiji Tsukada
Test players:
Masaru Tsukada & Keisuke Watanabe
Special thanks to:
Noriyuki Miyake & Katsuhisa Fukuda
"MSX/MSX2 Program Daizensyu II" (プログラム大全集II)
Japanese title name:
"バンパイア バスター"
A~Z and Return: Enter your name.

The game:

The town was peaceful until those monsters crawled out of that big pit.
The monsters snatched the mayor and demanded an exorbitant amount of treasure.
The old fortuneteller said, "It seems that the source of all this is the vampire that lurk underground."
And now, a young traveler challenges that pit. That is you.


Particular attention should be paid when typing the lines #1210 and #1320.
Minor issue: it couldn't show the messages of the lines #500 and #580. Modify the lines #500 and #570 as below.
In addition, correct the author's typos in the lines #1440 and #1610.
It strongly recommends to modify the lines #520 and #1080, too.
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
Sorry if there are any typos, however, I have tested my data, including the ending, and had no problems.

My suggestions for English version:

Modify the following lines first.
Then enter the string as below in T$="" in the following lines.
Finally, type the following!
If you modify the code as described above, each checksum will change as follows (using version 3.1 coded by the "MSX•FAN" team).
vampire-en-screen Fully tested.

Joystick Support:

"STICK(0)" is found in the lines #230 and #420.
"STRIG(0)" is found in the lines #230, #400 and #1730. The quickest way is to simply replace each "0" with "1".
In addition, modify the following lines.

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